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Linux Overview , from "Compare and Contrast Network Operating Systems seminar , Wed 23, 1998, NECTEC available in PDF and PS format.
Logical Framework Project Proposal Writing
Internet E-mail and Sendmail Configuration , Oct 27, 1998, available in PS format.
MBone Presentation, Feb 26, 1999, available in PDF and PS format.
MBone Presentation in KU's NETDAY Event, May 25, 1999, available in PDF and PS format.
Linux Presentation in KU's NETDAY Event, May 26, 1999, available in PDF and PS (Gzipped) format.
Thai Extension for Linux, July 15, 1999, Thailand Workshop on Open Source/Linux I, PDF and PS (Gzipped) format.
โครงการเกี่ยวกับลีนุกซ์ในประเทศไทย, Linux Demoday'99 The Second Workshop on Thailand Workshop on Open Source/Linux, , PDF and PS (Gzipped) format.
Training Materials for NECTEC Linux-SIS Course, available under GPL at