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thai fonts scalable bug ?

Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in menu_set_active_trail() (line 2404 of /usr/share/drupal7/includes/


I am using thaifonts-scalable-0.4.10 with QT 4.4.

When I type รู้ the vowel and the tone marker swap positions.
In other words: mai toh is below the consonant and sara oo is above!

ร้ or รู are normal.

I get this problem with Loma, Norasi, Purisa, Waree, Umpush, Kinnari, TlwgTypewriter and Garuda.
Sawasdee, TlwgMono, TlwgTypo are good.

Has anyone else experienced this problem ?



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